
Showing posts from April, 2023

Watercolour Painting: The Dos and Don'ts for Beginners and Intermediates

Watercolour painting is a beautiful and unique medium that allows for the creation of soft, ethereal, and vibrant artworks. However, it can be a challenging medium, and it's easy to make mistakes that can ruin a painting. In this blog post, we'll go over some of the dos and don'ts of watercolour painting that every beginner should know. Do: Experiment with Watercolour Techniques Watercolour painting offers endless possibilities when it comes to techniques, and it's essential to experiment with different techniques to find your style. Try techniques like wet-on-wet, dry brush, glazing, and salt to create unique effects. Don't be afraid to mix and match different techniques to achieve the desired effect. Don't: Use too much Water Water is a crucial component in watercolour painting, but too much water can lead to unwanted results. Using too much water can cause the paper to warp and the colours to bleed, leading to muddy colours and an uneven finish. It's esse